Enjoy Every Moment!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

It's been a While

Man I finally can post. There has been something wrong with my blog, or computer, or Internet, I don't know, but I guess it's working now. Not too much to report. Kyle finished his football class last week and started basketball today. How do I put this, football definitely comes easier, maybe if he looked at the ball when he tries to dribble he could catch the dang thing. At least it was an entertaining 45 min. right? Madison is loving gymnastics and did a back-hand-spring for the first time (with a spotter) on Monday!! My black eye is completely gone, but the ribs, still not so good. I guess Jeanette stole the title of best wreck though (I was happy to turn that title over) Watch out for those porches, they jump out of no where!!! JK. Hope your feeling better Jeanette!!! I'm in the middle of baking mini cakes for Young Women's for tonight (Cake Decorating) and the timer just went off, so... more tomorrow. So be sure to check back LAURA!!!!! HAHAHA!

1 comment:

Laura said...

I am so glad you got it working. I was starting to wonder if you were just milking the accident thing. So you wanted that to be your only post!!!!! HAHAHAHA