Enjoy Every Moment!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Oh SO Pretty!

I was So looking forward to our trip to the SAND DUNES!! The kids and I were counting down the days, and had a blast planning and shopping for all the sand dune necessities, but when we got there it was very windy, (So windy I didn't even get my camera out) and that makes for a very gritty experience. We had fun playing and roasting marshmallows (I think Madi ate a whole bag by herself) and playing games in Tom & Jenn's trailer (THANKS to Tom and Jenn for letting us crash in their trailer). On Saturday we got ready to ride (Still windy, but with goggles securely in place we were ready to roll). We were having a blast, and Madi and I decided it was time for more fun. Russ and Meagan along with Jeff and Kyle headed over with us to the little dunes where we rode around in the bowls and powered up the hills. Madi and I were having the time of our lives, when suddenly we came to an abrupt stop (at least our four wheeler did. From what I can gather I kept moving.) My googlies flew off and I felt like the wind was knocked out of me when Madi hit into me from behind, but we were OK, and headed back to camp. Apparently I hit my fore head and eye somewhere, because this is what I was left with. Sadly my eye hurts the least. My ribs are killing me, (I think they hit the handle bars) and on Sunday I could hardly roll out of bed. Oh well, at least I have a good story to go along with why I look Oh SO Pretty!!!


Anonymous said...

OH MAN!!!!!! it looks like it really hurts. But it will make a good scrapbook page!!!! hahahaha

Liz said...

How is the black eye doing? And the ribs?

Erin said...

You suck at updating your blog!!!

Liz said...

I was just wondering if there has been any residual damage that would incapacitate your ability to add to your BLOG!!!!