Enjoy Every Moment!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

The Big Bad Bee Sting

Well, It happened today. You know those things you tell your kids to help them not do something, like don't pick your nose, or your finger might get stuck up there. Or playing too much video games will rot your brains out. Well Madison is terrified of bees, and I always tell her that if you leave them alone, they'll leave you alone, and I didn't even stretch the truth on that one, because I honestly believed that...until today!!! So, I was out running, and I am trying to work up to 6 miles, and today was going to be the day. I get to 4.5 and I feel something on my neck, and I think it might be sweat (I am a very gross sweaty beast when I run) but no!!! Not sweat. A Bee. And yep, it stung me. I see the monstrosity fall to the ground hoping it's wasp, but I guess today just isn't my day. You might be wondering why in the world I would prefer wasps to bees, but you see, I am very allergic to bees, so... My run was over and I headed home to try to remove the stinger, but failed, so my awesome neighbor came to the rescue and literally saved me. I just got back from the Dr.'s where I had to get an eppi shot. I feel a little woosie, and I will NEVER tell Madison that if you leave bees alone, they'll leave you alone, because they are Big Bad Bees, and I'm a Big Fat Liar!


Jeanette Atkinson said...

That is why you shouldn't go running....it is life threatening!!!! Glad you are ok though you big fat liar!!!

Laura said...

oh man!!!! That really sucks. was it like Martin Short in Pure Luck when he gets stung. Now that would have been a great picture.

Erin said...

I agree with Jeanette! Six miles though, that's pretty awesome!

Jenn said...

That stinks! I'm glad you're okay.