Enjoy Every Moment!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

More Life Stuff!!!

This week has been a little more crazy than normal at the McMillan house! Tuesday night was our Young Women's in Excellence. It went pretty well if I do say so myself!! I did cry so hard that right in the middle of bearing my testimony, my contact flew out of my eye, I was very swift at retrieving it though and put it back in once the program was over. That night Kyle started coughing a little and I thought to myself, I hope he isn't getting sick, well that question was answered at 1:30 in the morning with him coughing so hard it made him puke, then he choked on the Flem and turned blue. He did finally get the rest of that junk out and got a little rest, but Jeff and I didn't get much sleep after that little party. We went to the Dr. on Wednesday and they did a nebulizer treatment and took a chest x-ray to be sure it wasn't pneumonia (thank goodness it's not) and gave him some uber strong cough syrup. He still is hacking like there's no tomorrow, and I woke up with a sore throat. Needless to say I'm not going the the kid less scrap booking party at Mom's house tomorrow night. I'm so glad all of this waited until after Tuesday!!!


Jeanette Atkinson said...

It would have been a good excuse to pass it off to a councelor though if it hit Tuesday!!!

Jenn said...

Hey we're sick too! I don't think this crap will ever end.