Enjoy Every Moment!

Friday, September 12, 2008


Wednesday started out like any other day. The kids are off track so I've taken some days off, and we just played around, went out to lunch to McDonald's, then went to the park, then I was off to Young Women's. My second councilor needed to leave early, so she took off, and headed for home. My First councilor came to me with her phone, and I was thinking Who would call me on her phone? Well it was my second councilor and she said she was driving home and she thought that Kyle had been hit by a car. I ran out of the church and started driving home. Sure enough Kyle had been riding his bike home from a neighbors house, and was hit two doors down on the road leading to our house off the busy street. Jeff was in the front yard playing basketball and saw the whole thing happen. Besides a little road rash and being pretty shaken up, miraculously Kyle is fine. I am SO THANKFUL to a Heavenly Father who loves us and protects us Daily.


Jeanette Atkinson said...

Kyle, we don't ride bikes in the road, they are for cars... I am so glad he is ok. Does Becky flash to mind with the Likes lady? You should take a photo of the reinactment! Also a little more detail would bne nice!

Becky Darling said...

Holy Shnikies!!!!! Hey now Kyle can join the "I got hit by a car" club!!!! I am so glad he is ok!!!!
Why didn't we hear about this sooner???

Erin said...

Hi Krista I just found your blog. Poor Kyle! Hope all is well with you guys.