Enjoy Every Moment!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Just TWO more reasons why I LOVE LAKE POWELL!!!

For UEA weekend we headed down to St. George for some rest and relaxation. On Friday we drove to Lake Powell for the first time in ELEVEN YEARS!!! (I was prego with Madison the last time we went!!!) It was more beautiful than I remembered, and it will now have two more special memories attached to the long list it already holds!!! It is where both Madison and Kyle both learned how to WATER SKI!!! Yep, right in front of Gun Sight in Padre Bay, This is where the magic happened.
First Kyle Popped Up!!!

Not to be shone up by her baby brother, very shortly after Kyle skied Madi Popped up

This day I will always remember.
I'm not sure who was more excited, the kiddo's or the spec taters!!!
Just a few more reasons for the LOVE!!!

Can't Wait to go back next year!!!


Liz Davis said...

so exciting. I love that kyle got up first. that's how it will be at our house, too. they are both awesome!!!

Erin said...

Yeah Madi and Kyle!!! That is awesome!

Jeanette Atkinson said...

Kyle may have gotten up first, but Madi's form is WAY better! I skied there too for the first time in I don't know how many years this fall!!! Way to go!

Becky Darling said...

AWESWOME!!! I am so jealous!!!! Love Lake Powell!